A lot has changed since then; since I graduated high school. I'm no longer painfully shy; for that matter I don't even classify myself as shy anymore. I have little to no problem talking in groups and in class or making friends. Though I was happy with all the time I spent writing, generally all of this has made me much of a more well-rounded person. But as much as I enjoy being with people, I cherish my time alone. My time to be by myself, to think, to write, to appreciate relationships and experiences so different from my own. My time to just be.
I really think that watching the series finale of ER is what made me think of all this. It reminded me of a time where 'my time to just be' was really all I had. After I finished watching it, I felt this sense of awe and love for being alone with my own thoughts and writing them down that I haven't truly felt in a long time, since I became more social, that I felt near constantly growing up. It comes from my ability to become so deeply caught up in these fictional worlds; like I'm part of them. Everybody needs to get away from the world for a while; I just feel it more so than others is all. I know that so many people wouldn't be able to imagine that, but that's what's made me who I am. Writing fan fiction may not be all that I have anymore and I may have changed so much in my life and I'm glad for it, but it will always be a part of me and the part of myself that I cherish most. It's my place where I can just be; my escape from reality. For no matter how social I get or how many friends I make, I will always treasure and need my escape; my world.