Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Yes, I am a fanfiction writer and I am proud of it!!

So I read a blog where the author is a WoW player and her first blog was about her history with WoW so I thought I would emulate her example and write about my history with fan fiction. Show you all I have some credibility in this. Ohhh do I ever have credibility with fan fiction...

At the ripe old age of 21, I've been writing fan fiction since I was 10 years old. I don't remember if I knew it was called fan fiction at the time, but I'd always be making up some story in my head about some TV show or movie or book that I enjoyed. Soon, I began writing them down.

I do need to clarify one thing; when I say "writing a story", it's not like I've completed hundreds of individual fan fictions. Nowhere close. I've only finished 11, got a couple close to done and who knows how many in progress. My problem is I get distracted easily. And I go on hyperobsessions. Within a month period last December, I began obsessing over Back to the Future, started a story, then a few short weeks later, that movie was forgotten and I was obsessing over Lord of the Rings. When I hit obsessions, I'll watch the movie or TV show, read the book or whatever and suddenly, it's ALL I can think about. So I'll hop onto http://www.fanfiction.net/, and begin reading and writing fan fiction about it. Unfortunately for me, the obsessions never last quite long enough for me to actually finish a story idea I've been so excited about before I'm on a new obsession and getting excited over some new story idea, which is why I have so many unfinished fan fictions on my computer. But I'll work on all that and get all my stories done one day...

For me, what fan fiction is is this sense of always wanting more. I love watching movies, watching TV, reading; always have and always will. I'll see these great characters, I'll really empathize with them, really get into what they're doing and then the movie, show, or book ends and I'm always left with this feeling of wanting more. What's next for them? What would they do in this situation? And thus, I began writing fan fiction.

Have you ever felt like I have? Felt this strong desire for more with these characters you've fallen in love with? Have you even gone as far with these desires as to spend your time thinking about what the characters would do in certain situations? Then do yourself a favor and write it down! And post it so everybody can read it! That's probably the scariest part of all; letting other people read what you've wrote, but the feelings you get when you get a good review are well worth it. And it feels so good to see these words on paper (or a Word document) and know you wrote them. So in that spirit, I'm going to give you a link to my profile on http://www.fanfiction.net/, so you can read my stories. http://www.fanfiction.net/u/366530/AEM1. Hope you like them!

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